Thursday, December 24, 2009

Positioning - Cherchez Le Créneaux

I only have the classic book for the placement of Al Ries and Jack Trout, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind. It is incredible to think that this was published in 1981. The 20th Anniversary Edition, 2001, has a new great views of the authors. The main message of the book is the concept of being found, say the hole in the head of your prospects or French, Cherchez le Créneaux. I believe that recessions exhibit a weak position. Test your downtime story really exciting. BookStresses the importance of defining and dominating the market. Management teams today desperately need to fill the hole again dummy!

IBM did not invent the computer. Sperry has the edge. But IBM was the first company to build a computer, the position in the minds of perspective. Michelob was not the first high price of beer in the beer drinkers were mind Heineken. Strategy Michelob? Defined as the first high price of imported beer. Of course, the positioningrequires years of earnings, which is no longer made in view of the Michelob author.

But the mind has no room for anything that is new and different, when we refer to as old as the first car in the context of the horseless carriage, gas is cleaner than unleaded gasoline. So it's not just about you nailing a category, but also positioning itself against other players. Prospects should geography. When I tell people that my hobby is competitive Masters Athletics, they say, oh,You marathon? So I have my 400m and 800m events, compared to the marathon explain.

Even my new business models, the portfolio of partnership, it only makes sense if I heard something in relation to these people as I prepare the company for a period of 5 years to ensure to achieve them huge benefits when investment banks sell.

There are many good examples in this book of strategies for repositioning, growth in these difficult economic times to drive. We all need inspiration for our niche is ourReason to exist, so this book might inspire you to articulate a new story and exciting.

Tom Yum

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